A Change in my Blog

Some of you may have noticed that over the past few months my blog has taken a turn and I’ve gone from posting everyday to posting a few times a week.  When I started my blog I wasn’t sure what direction to go in, but I quickly became addicted to sharing my passion for paper crafting.  I can’t believe I started blogging almost 3 years ago!  I kept at it because I thoroughly enjoyed it and always told myself that if it became a chore I’d re-evaluate it and decide where to go from there.  Lately it has felt like more of a chore, maybe because it’s hard to juggle the kids school schedules, sicknesses and all of the stuff I have to get done around here.  I’d also be dishonest if I didn’t say that my stamping didn’t cause problems of it’s own here for me at home.  Lately my husband has been upset with the amount of time I take to make projects, prepare for classes, post to my blog or simply spend on my stamping business.  It has turned into many arguments around here.  Therefore I’ve decided that I’ll post to my blog if I have a fantastic project to share with you.  I’m not kidding when I say that blogging takes a lot of time.  By the time I make a project, photograph it so it shows well on the Internet, edit the photo, type up my post including dimensions and directions I’ve taken up a good chunk of my morning or afternoon.  I know that those of you who are bloggers understand this.  When I am ahead on my projects it is a lot easier and seems to go much more quickly, but with 2 sick kids and myself not feeling well I am very far behind and things take longer to accomplish. 

I will continue to share my projects online, but it will all depend on how much time I ultimately have.  I want to thank you all for being loyal readers and for all of the comments you have left for me over the last 3 years.  I do appreciate it.  I want to get back into paper crafting for the joy of crafting and not simply to have something to post on my blog. 

You can always find my work in these places:
My Stampin’ Up! Independent Demonstrator Website
My SCS Gallery
My Facebook Fan Page

And you can continue to find it here of course as I find time to post. I’m going to aim for a few times a week, but if not I’ve decided not to stress about it.

24 responses »

  1. As a fellow blogger I totally understand Jenn. I’m keeping you in my reader to catch the days when you post because I love your work!

  2. Jenn – i’m not a blogger, but i’ve got my own priorities. and really, that’s what it’s all about. do what’s important to you – take care of your family/husband, home and, get creative when you have time, and don’t let it stress you out. i find that i create my most stress… so, come back and post when/if you have the time – i’ve got ya on my google reader, and will see your wonderful projects when you do 🙂

  3. jenn, good luck!:) i’m a loyal follower of yours for sure…and will greatly look forward to your posts! it is great to hear that you’ve decided what matters most…good for you girl!! yes, this is supposed to be fun…good luck!:)

  4. I totally understand how time can get away from you. Your family needs to be the most important thing for you and I am glad you chose them first. I really enjoy your sharing and all the great projects you create and will miss them.
    Have a GREAT and BLESSED day!

  5. I completely understand. With two young boys running around, I barely have time to make a card, let alone blog about it (I don’t even have a blog). Your family is your priority. Good luck! I look forward to your posts. You are very talented!

  6. Jenn, I completely understand. I have recently returned to work full-time, I have 2 toddlers, and a fairly unsupportive hubby. I have scaled back to simply being a hobby demo for now. I will be sad to see less on your blog, because I love your work, but I understand that family is the most important and I know that you will do what’s important for them first.

  7. Jenn-

    This post had to be a message to me:) I just became a demo Oct 1st and I’ve been spending a lot of time creating a blog. It’s still not done. My hubby and I have had conflicts in the past because it’s easy for me to lose track of time when we’re doing things like stamping/blogging. I have two boys as well and I need to make sure I keep a healthy balance between everything so we can all be happy. I’m home now, but will be returning to work full-time the first of the new year, so it will be even more of a challenge then with less time.

    I’m signed up on a reader, so I will get your posts when you have new ones. I love your work and it’s worth the wait:) Take care of yourself and your family.

  8. I will miss my daily “fix” and quality SU only inspiration you have provided me. But I TOTALLY get it! I’ve pulled back on my business because I’m tired of trying to create and being worried about what is current, what is retired, what is too easy (for a class), too hard, or done before.

    Good luck to you and enjoy those boys!

  9. I totally get it! I find blogging to be a lot of work, and I’m not even posting daily myself! You take time for your family; we’ll all be here when you get back! 🙂 I love seeing your work and CASE you often.

  10. You need to take care of yourself and you made a good decision. If you don’t take care of yourself (and that includes lowering your stress level when possible) you really can’t take care of others. We will enjoy your blog when you have the time and the inspiration. I sincerely hope you will be able to have some “fun/enjoyable” time for yourself.

  11. I whole-heartedly agree with your decision. Family comes first and then the love of stamping. when it becomes a chore, it’s time to re-evaluate. Congratulations on doing that AND taking the steps needed to make it fun again!

  12. Hi Jenn,

    I can totally relate to your post and do understand what you mean about blogging – it can be addicting! Your decision about blogging makes perfect sense. I really appreciate your work and inspiration, so I’ll keep visiting every so often. I know I always enjoy the projects you post every time I stop by 🙂 But life is what it is, and you’ve gotta do what’s best for you and your family. Blogging will always be there for you 🙂

  13. Hi Jenn,
    Always take care of you and your family first. Then when you have the time.. we will be here for you. I really enjoy your blog and I can totally appreciate what it is like to try to juggle so much at one time. There can’t be stress attached to your craft or it isn’t “therapy” anymore. Don’t worry about the blog or disapointing people. Just worry about yourself and your family.

  14. Hi Jenn – I know you’re making the right decision for you and your family – and that is really what’s important. I have appreciated all of your amazing projects, and will continue to enjoy what you are able to show us in the future. You have great talent! Best wishes, see you around.


  15. Totally get it. Enjoy your time with your family and everything else can wait! 🙂

  16. Jenn,
    Take care of yourself and your family first. That is most important!

    Thank you for sharing your great inspirations with us.


  17. I managed to post to my blog- twice!!!!
    If something fun becomes a chore, then don’t do it! It isnt worth the stress in yhour home, nor your health.
    I enjoy seeing your projects, but will now enjoy them as a surprise when and if you post again!
    Thanks for inspiring us for 3 years!

  18. Hi Jenn. I totally understand how much time a blog takes—just trying to get pics uploaded to a blog can take hours…! While I will miss your work on a daily basis, I do understand.
    Time, time, family first…I understand that, too–but wait–WE need time for US, too!
    Take 15 mins. and check out http://www.flylady.com. I promise you—if you set and keepto routines as much as you can, you will find time you didn’t know you had! A little planning and you will be flying. There will be days when kids get sick, husbands demand more and it will just seem you’re going in circles-but those days will be less and less…Also, can’t remember the ages of your boys, but there is a student control journal as well—they can learn to do things to keep them organized and feel responsible and grown up and less of mom doing for them all the time! Give it a shot. As Flylady would say, you can do anything for 15 mins. at a time! Blessings, Sharon

  19. Hi Jenn, Just wanted to let you know that I can totally understand where you’re coming from. I don’t think you need to apologize or explain. Family and health always comes first. A hobby should be for pleasure, when it stops being one, it’s work.
    As one of your loyal blog followers I will keep checking it. When you post a card you want to share, I will enjoy it even more, knowing that it is very special to you, and that is why you’re sharing it with us. Hope you keep enjoying your cardmaking. You are so artistic and creative.

  20. Good for you! Know what you value and base your priorities and actions on those values – you will have no regrets. I hope some day you will be back to blogging more frequently when it is a peasurable thing and not one more obligation. The pace of life changes and noting is forever. Take good care of yourself!

  21. Jenn, Tho’ I check in daily, I totally understand your decision…not being a blogger myself, I have often wondered how you all do it so faithfully, and thank you for your inspiration and willingness to open yourself up to all of us…will continue to check in regularly, but please don’t feel obligated to show up everyday! Hope everyone in your house is well…take care of YOU!! Esther

  22. I totally hear you, gf! It’s very hard during the school year! However, I see a problem…if you only post when you have “a fantastic project to share”…looks like you’ll be posting everyday again! *wink*

  23. I had to do the exact same thing. I love to stamp, but it can get in the way of regular life. Hubby get frustrated, too. I just had to look at the bigger picture and decide what was most important for me, my family, and our future. I completely understand.

  24. Good for you! I enjoy your blog. Thanks for sharing when you can.


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